What's the Situation?
Nancy has been a good performer in the financial advise business. But she is always running out of good leads. We want to help Nancy solve this problem so that here pipeline business is guaranteed.
What's the Situation?
The tractor seem to stall and loses power after 10 minutes of start. The operator think it is an electrical issue. He saw some smoke. Three of 10 tractors seem to have the same symptoms.
What's the Situation?
The fraud case of Wells Fargo revealed the danger of companies putting high-pressure sales quotas on employees. The result of such a practice at Wells Fargo Bank led hundreds of its employees to open fake accounts for Wells Fargo clients.

Short-term profits went up by millions, but when the widespread fraud was uncovered, the bank’s fine imposed by the SEC ran into the billions. In addition, the bank lost hundreds, if not thousands, of clients.

Your tasks in this exercise are to go through reflection activities and learn lessons from what happens when a company culture sets the tone for fraud.

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What's the Situation?
The employee problem has been ignored for so long, now you and your team leader have to resolve the issue.
What's the Situation?
“You sent me here and now, I am stuck. My kid is sick. Do something, please.” I am so desperate. How do I help my employee? I sent her to travel overseas and now there is a pandemic happening. She is locked-down in her hotel. But she has to travel back home since her child is very ill. I feel responsible. I have to help her. But others insist she should take care of herself and I should avoid being involved. I am desperate. How do I stay calm and help my employee?
What's the Situation?
“You sent me here and now, I am stuck. My kid is sick. Do something, please.” I am so desperate. How do I help my employee? I sent her to travel overseas and now there is a pandemic happening. She is locked-down in her hotel. But she has to travel back home since her child is very ill. I feel responsible. I have to help her. But others insist she should take care of herself and I should avoid being involved. I am desperate. How do I stay calm and help my employee?
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