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  • 26 profile sm
     Feb 18, 2022 07:44am
    I forget to use the "ping" to capture engagement, so I will set a reminder for my next online session to get feedback from participants. I usually get lost in the presentation to make sure I cover everything.
The PNG images are useful in your presentations in webinars or in-person sessions.
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  • 41 profile sm
     Feb 01, 2022 09:29am
    Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do to help make our jobs as trainers and facilitators a little bit easier :-)
    I have missed being involved in these Sitch's. I'm glad I have more time now and am able to get back to it!
Virtual and Remote Learning is akin to a "life-saver" for our learners and workers. The virtual sessions and webinars are often the last and significant link that we leaders, peers, and trainers have with the learners. Hence, a careful rethinking of our assumptions, skills, and practices keeps us relevant and heightens impacts in our learners’ lives and their performance. Enjoy the videos and key ideas from this resource.
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It is very important that power levels are set up correctly on Newtec. Many satellites are working with high power, multiple spots and frequency re-use, so if the power levels are not set correctly for a remote in one beam, it can negatively impact sites in other beams by using more power than was agreed in the lease. There have also been situations where incorrect power settings have resulted in saturation in one network impacting sites both in that network and other networks.
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signal levels
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Working From Home - The New Effectiveness
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Hi, everyone. Through the years as I’ve been doing hundreds of virtual training and webinars, I’ve accumulated some of the basic rules that I use to allow me to successfully engage learners and help them with their learning. I hope that you can pick one or all of these ideas, test them and reflect on them. These 100 Opportunities to Improve Results in Virtual Training give you a rundown of a checklist that I always have in my mind when I am preparing for designing, delivering, and assessing virtual training. Click the download button below,
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  • 5 profile sm
     Apr 26, 2022 10:12am
    You can't fit everything into the training. Providing concise & well-developed resources/references AND making them easily accessible is important. You can then limit the in-training experience to the most important take-aways or changes in behavior.
The exercise provides you the opportunity to learn about your facilitation approach and what to do about it.
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The guide will help you understand the detail of 35 thinking tools.
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Thinking Tools
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  • 41 profile sm
     Feb 01, 2022 09:30am
    If anyone need help with compliance training, it's me. Government world is all about complying. The more help I have in this area, the better. Thank you Ray!
In the matrix you will know how great or poor you are in engaging your virtual participants. You are either in the Abyss or in Nirvana. At the very least, you will know your approach and fix it as necessary. In this Matrix, you will learn your skills in: Handling conversations Asking questions Generating insights Help learners think Allow learners to impact their work
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The Velleman K8800: Vertex Delta 3D Printer is the newest addition to the Vertex 3D Printer family. Unlike our line of Cartesian printers such as the K8200, K8400 and the K8600, the K8800 uses the delta printing style. This means the extruder is suspended by three arms in a triangular shape above the print bed. Delta printers like the K8800 are built for speed and have static print beds for higher quality prints. Printing filament is placed on the top of the Delta to provide easy access and isolated storage at the same time.
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